The third patch for Ardenfall’s softlaunched demo has arrived! This comes with a handful of small features, and a ton of improvements and fixes.
- Added “Custom Map Marker” system
- Made arrows / throwing knives re-lootable from corpse
- Added simple clock to quest menu
- Added Niko monster variant
- Added Niko SFX
- Made “Q” open the Quest Journal, instead of the Map
- Optimized distance terrain not stripping higher level LODs
- Made non humanoids unable to open doors
- Improved Poison Ball spell
- Added new starting item set for summoners
- Improved ranged and assassin starting item sets
- Minor optimizations on lighting systems
- Reduced blur in water
- Made NPC’s always pass stat requirement
- Made NPC’s always pass enchantment stat multiplier
- Added character limit to player name
- Added options menu to main menu
- Made “Feed Dead” enchantment not apply to bows and melee weapons
- Improved HUD elements
- Increased overall brightness of game
- Improved npc’s shortbow ai
- Made exploding pods react to monsters
- Flipped keys for containers (opening vs taking)
- Added “click delay” to weapons after dialog closing, stopping users from accidentally attacking enemies after dialog
- Added “Favorites” menu
- Made melee weapons block after attacking if secondary mouse is being held down
- Made throwing potions not affect thrower
- Improved audio volume falloff
Major Fixes:
- Fixed leveling up skills sometimes “locking”
- Fixed melee weapon locking
- Fixed bow locking when aiming while entering water
- Fixed map fog of war inverting when saving
- Fixed arrow staying in hand sometimes
- Fixed enchanted weapons not scaling to ability with weapon
- Fixed Poison Ball spell visual
- Made equipped spell / throwing potion / throwing item non-quickusable
- Fixed quickslot item not being able to be requickslotted
- Fixed outlaws not attacking player
- Fixed bounty being affected by effects too much
- Fixed items without requirements
- Fixed quickslot sometimes not reassigning
- Fixed arrow count in hud not updating when shooting/picking up arrows
- Fixed fall damage not triggering
- Fixed npc’s not always noticing when allies are yelling
- Fixed quest location “discovered” not saving state
- Fixed darvaki sometimes not attacking player
- Fixed “Well Rested” status effect when you sleep at inn being too short
- Fixed humanoid ragdolls sometimes teleporting into the floor
- Fixed camera breaking in certain instances
- Fixed spells/potions not using roman numerals
- Made attribute and skill modifiers allow to go beyond base cap
- Increased high level health
- Increased high level simple enemy damage
- Slowed down shortsword animations
- Removed bleed and crit from greatsword and made stun only occur on hard attack
- Removed bleed and stun from shortsword
- Removed stun and crit from dagger
- Made katana a light weapon
- Increased greataxe hard attack damage and decreased base damage
- Decreased shortbow and longbow damage
- Fixed initial fine weapon stat
- Set maximum companion count to 1
- Increased value of monster drops
- Added skill requirements to spell slates and spell scrolls
- Redesigned how initial skills are calculated for player and npc’s